Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter
2015 Scholars
Our “Dollars For Scholars” campaign supports the fraternity's
national theme: “Go to High School, Go to College”
Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarships

Shayla Allen
Stage of Life Writing Contest Finalist
New Brockton, Goshen, Georgiana, All-Tourney
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Allen

Miss 2014 Crème de la Crème
BTW's Girls' Varsity Basketball
District Trumbauer Superior Antigone
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Brown
Jimia Brown

Nat’l Society of Black Engineers (NSBE-MP) Scholarship
Honorable mention Nat’l Spanish Exam
State-3rd 4x100m relay, 4th 100m dash U. So. AL Civil Eng.
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Tolliver
Erica Tolliver

National scholastics Art and Writing awards
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos Youth award
Nat’l Soc.-HS Scholars
Interior Architecture
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jones
Kara Jones

Lauren Saunders

Brewtech Lady Rams
2011-2012 Freshman MVP soccer
Club Team: Capital City Streaks
AAMU Merit Scholarship
Proud Parents
Vernita Saunders & Kenneth Jones

Jewel Saxon

Wetumpka HS
1st AME-MGM-Selma District Oratorical Age 13-16 (‘10,11,’13,’14)
Alpha Leadership Institute (’14)1st Place Essay & 2nd Place Oratory
Business Management
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Saxon

Kirsten Stringer

Nat’l Honor Soc. (NHS)
Nat’l Spanish Honors
Honorable Mention, Nat’l Academy of Future Physicians and Med. Sc. Excellence Award
Troy U.-Chemistry
Proud Parent
Patricia Stringer
Martin Luther King, Jr. Continuing Scholarships

Alexandria Lockett
Blazer Women
Student Activities Counsel
Cleaned and repainted treehouses on MLK Service Day
Helped move computers and help decorate new Living Word Fellowship Church
Proud Parents
Mr. Harold Lockett

Ashleigh Lockett
ALSAMP Scholarship
Tuskegee Merit Scholarship
Two internships- currently at Southern Nuclear Company in Birmingham,, AL
New Engineers Recognizing Diverse Solutions Honors Society
Proud Parents
Pam Lockett & Darrell Lockett

Carmen McBroom
Golden Key Honor Society Inductee
Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society inductee
The University of Alabama Honors College
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority member
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Greg McBroom

Joshua Tippett
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National Achievement Presidential Scholar
Chemistry Scholar
Golden Key International Honor Society
Phi Sigma Pi National Convention
Corresponding Secretary & Founding Member-Honors College Leadership Council
Proud Parents
Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick Tippett

Kayla Kelley
Biomedical Science
Leadership Scholar
Freshman Run
Women’s Basketball Team
Volunteer Brentwood Children’s Home
Troy Days of Service
Proud Parents
Sandra Kelley & Michael Kelley

Jeremy Crum

Physical Education
SGA President -‘15-’16
Keith HS Vol. Football Coach, Orrville,
Brother’s Keeper, Selma
Go-To-High School, Go-To-College, Keith HS
A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People, ASU
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Crum

Audriana Osborne
English Pre-Law
1st Place Undergrad Music Research Symposium
Sophomore Class VP
Dean’s List
Distinguished Scholar
Presidential Ambassador
Mentored future Rattlers
Montgomery Delta Sigma Theta Reach for Height speaker
Proud Parents
Jacqueline & Lindsay Osborne

Brittany Dallas
Biomed Sc.-Pre-Pharmacy
Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society
Achievement Scholarship
Auburn Trustees’ Endowed Scholarship
Montgomery Auburn Club Monty Carpenter Endowed Scholarship
Proud Parents
Betty Garrett & Paul Dallas, Sr.

Justin Hill
Political Science
National Honor Society
Action Sports Academy Basketball Tournament All Tournament
AAU National Basketball Tournament
Proud Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hill

Arielle Fletcher
Biomedical Science
National Achievement Finalist
National Honor Soc.
UAB Presidential Scholarship
Proud Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Howell

Sean Taylor
Alabama Club
Howard University club baseball Captain
Health Professions Society
French club
51 hours of community service-Project Change Volunteer
Alternative Spring Break Participant
Proud Parents
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Taylor

Jasmyne Ray
Academic Recognition Scholarship
Alabamian Rookie of the year
Montage Yearbook writer photographer
United by Dance Club Group videographer
U. Montevallo MLK Scholarship
Proud Parents
Trina Ray &Anthony Ray

Demetrius Rugley
Mu Alpha Theta National Math Honor Society
Nat’l Tech Honor Soc.
National Academy of Future Physicians & Medical Scientists Award
Proud Parents
Harelda Rugley & Tony Taylor

Felix James, Harrison Deshield, and Percy Blackmon Scholarships

Fredrick Tippett, II

Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Princeton Public Policy/Int’l Affairs Fellow
Oprah Winfrey So. African Int’l Leadership
Intern-Judge Price
Proud Parents
Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick Tippett

Taurean Urquhart
Alabama State University Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Central Alabama Regional In-service Center Governing Board
WE MENTOR, Volunteer
Student Alabama Education Association (SAEA)
Joy to Life, Volunteer
MPS School Clean Up, Certificate of Appreciation
Alabama State University Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP), Member

Damilah Epps
UCA All American Cheerleader
Spanish Club
Diamond Dolls
Young Democrat Vol.
Proud Parents
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Shufford

Charles Price Scholarships

Edward Taylor

Recipient-National Society of BlackEngineers (NSBE-MP) Scholarship
Honorable mention in Nat’l Spanish Exam
Nat’l Achievement finalist
Neuro Science
Proud Parents
Dr. & Mrs.
Norman Taylor